Follow these instructions to get your ResponseMaster trial software up and running.

  1. Install java.
    1. ResponseMaster is a java application. Download java and install. The two java versions supported by ResponseMaster are Oracle and AdoptOpenJDK
  2. Install ResponseMaster.
    1. Execute the downloaded RPM file. This will place ResponseMaster in /usr/…./ResponseMaster
  3. Install License Key.
    1. You will receive an email from If you have not received look in you spam folder. If you can’t find email and request the key be resent.
    2. The email contains a link to download a ResponseMaster license key. Select the link a file called license.xml will be downloaded.
    3. Copy the License.xml file to the /usr/…./ResponseMaster/config directory
  4. Start Response Master.
    1. Open terminal window. Issue following comands
      1. cd /usr/…./ResponseMaster
      2. run approporate command
        1. Linux:
        2. Windows:
      3. Note:
        1. The processing will take less than 5 minutes to complete. (maybe less depending on the processor speed)
        2. You will see a bunch of processing log messages appear on the screen
      4. See common startup issues here. (Link to new page)
  5. View Processing
    1. Processing Stats. Processing stats can be viewed by pointing your browser at …./ResponseMaster/output/reports/default.html
    2. Processing Output. A log file which contains the results of the processing of each email will be generated. The file is called startup_processing.csv.
    3. can be found at usr/…./ResponseMaster/output. The log file is formatted as a CSV file so open using excel or other editor which understands CSV file format.
    4. NOTE: ResponseMaster will delete the emails in the mail directory as they are processed.
  6. Startup Configuration.
    1. ResponseMaster comes with a default configuration to process a set of sample mail files. It is a simple configuration
      1. Mail files located at /usr/…./ResponseMaster/mail/processing directory.
      2. Write finding to a log file at /usr/…./ResponseMaster/output/ startup_processing.csv.

ResponseMaster Support Articles

Typical Error Messages