Follow these instructions to get your ResponseMaster trial software up and running.
- Install java.
- ResponseMaster is a java application. Download java and install. The two java versions supported by ResponseMaster are Oracle and AdoptOpenJDK
- Install ResponseMaster.
- Execute the downloaded RPM file. This will place ResponseMaster in /usr/…./ResponseMaster
- Install License Key.
- You will receive an email from If you have not received look in you spam folder. If you can’t find email and request the key be resent.
- The email contains a link to download a ResponseMaster license key. Select the link a file called license.xml will be downloaded.
- Copy the License.xml file to the /usr/…./ResponseMaster/config directory
- Start Response Master.
- Open terminal window. Issue following comands
- cd /usr/…./ResponseMaster
- run approporate command
- Linux:
- Windows:
- Note:
- The processing will take less than 5 minutes to complete. (maybe less depending on the processor speed)
- You will see a bunch of processing log messages appear on the screen
- See common startup issues here. (Link to new page)
- Open terminal window. Issue following comands
- View Processing
- Processing Stats. Processing stats can be viewed by pointing your browser at …./ResponseMaster/output/reports/default.html
- Processing Output. A log file which contains the results of the processing of each email will be generated. The file is called startup_processing.csv.
- can be found at usr/…./ResponseMaster/output. The log file is formatted as a CSV file so open using excel or other editor which understands CSV file format.
- NOTE: ResponseMaster will delete the emails in the mail directory as they are processed.
- Startup Configuration.
- ResponseMaster comes with a default configuration to process a set of sample mail files. It is a simple configuration
- Mail files located at /usr/…./ResponseMaster/mail/processing directory.
- Write finding to a log file at /usr/…./ResponseMaster/output/ startup_processing.csv.
- ResponseMaster comes with a default configuration to process a set of sample mail files. It is a simple configuration