Preparation Checklist for Installing ResponseMaster

Before you install ResponseMaster ensure that

  1. Your operating system is Linux Red Hat & Ubuntu   (other flavors of Linux and other versions are likely to work, but please let us know what you are using).
  2. You can log on as a super user.
  3. You know the mail server user name and password.
  4. You have reviewed the ResponseMaster readme file.

Steps for Installing ResponseMaster

  1. Get the latest installation package for ResponseMaster from the home page. Be sure to choose the “Upgrade” package if you have already installed a previous version.
  2. If you already have a version of ResponseMaster running on the machine, stop it.
  3. Install the rpm, e.g. rpm -i ResponseMaster-###-1.i386.rpm

This will install ResponseMaster into /etc/ResponseMaster and place a control script into /etc/init.d

  1. Note: If you are upgrading, you will need to specify the “–force” option.
  • Place your license file (obtained from into the “config” subdirectory.
  • You need to have a supported Java Virtual Machine on your system. If you do not already have one, you can download one from
  • Edit the ResponseMaster config files. At a minimum, you must set up the mailbox parameters in config/master.xml. Refer to the ResponseMaster Configuration Guide for details.
  • The /etc/init.d/ResponseMaster script starts ResponseMaster.

You will probably need to make minor changes to adapt it for your system.

  • Start the ResponseMaster service, e.g. service ResponseMaster start
  • Verify that ResponseMaster is running correctly by examining the log file in the output folder.
    1. If you do not see any error messages, installation is complete.
    2. If you see error messages and need help addressing them, contact Extreme Messaging at

Adapting the installation for your environment

  • To set the path to your JVM:
    1. Edit /etc/init.d/ResponseMaster
    2. Change the JAVA_HOME variable
  • To change the classpath:
    1. Edit /etc/init.d/ResponseMaster
    2. Change the CLASSPATH variable to include whatever additional paths you need

    Note: If you are using the JMX monitoring features, you will need to include jmxri.jar and jmxtools.jar in your classpath. These jars are part of the JMX package, available at

  • To set system properties on the JVM:
    1. Edit /etc/init.d/ResponseMaster
    2. Add something like “-Dmyprop=myval ” after the “-outfile /etc/ResponseMaster/output/stdout.txt ” line
  • To run ResponseMaster from the command line instead of as a service
    1. Delete /etc/init.d/ResponseMaster
    2. Use a command line like this from the /etc/ResponseMaster directory: /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_17/bin/java -jar responseMaster.jar ./config/master.xml